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Catchables 2-Pack (Cat Wearing a Cat & Cactus)

Original price was: $17.50.Current price is: $15.90.

Catchables are a collection of 12 squishy, cute collectible plush toys that double as an action-packed card game. Inspired by the iconic artwork of Exploding Kittens Co-Creator & Cartoonist Matthew Inman, Catchables include fan-favorite characters from the Exploding Kittens catalog, including Rainbow Ralphing Cat, Lumber Cat, and “Cat holding a Cat.”

While Catchables are designed to be collected and proudly displayed, they’re also central to an exciting new game. Players toss their Catchable in the air while completing a stunt described on an Action card. When they successfully completes a stunt while their Catchable is in mid-air, they place two additional Action cards in front of other players, or themself, that stack additional challenges for a more challenging next turn. The first player to complete a catch of five or more Action cards in one turn wins.

Ages: 8+
Players: 2-4
Game Length: 15-30 minutes

4 in stock

SKU: TBG-3016 Categories: , Tags: ,



  • 2  CATchables and 24 Action Cards

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