Game News: Krosmaster Arena 2.0 + Other Upcoming Games

2016 is certainly shaping up to be the year of reprints and expansions. In today’s news, we are excited to share with you the release of Krosmaster Arena 2.0, coming this fall (Sept 2016).

From what we know so far, there will be 8 new exclusive Krosmasters figurines, coming straight from the DOFUS movie.

Each of them represents one of the main characters of the movie: you will be able to play with Julith, Jahash, Khan Karkass, Marline, Bakara, Lilotte as well as new alternate versions of Grampy and Joris. All those figurines are exclusive to this set and won’t be available anywhere else.

The next big thing that we know would be their new rule book. If you have been playing from Season 1 till the current season, you would know that the rules have changed quite a fair bit and the original rule book is not that relevant in the current context.

The new rules book will now contain up to date rules, including every change that was made in the past three years, so that new players will fit right in! To give you an idea, here’s a short list of the effective changes: season 2 Critical rules, summons limit, Bosses, progressive reveal of Demonic Rewards, 3 characters minimum per team, Unfazed, a bunch of new keywords…

More news will be released in the next few months and we certainly are excited to get this set in. As for the original Krosmaster Arena, they are slowly phasing it out. We only have a few copies left, so if you are a fan, this is your last chance to get the original copy.


Betrayal at House on the Hill: Widow’s Walk


Betrayal Widows Walk Banner


Have you played the original Betrayal at House on the Hill? If you haven’t, you ought to or you can try playing a game at our store, via book a table. It’s a game where everyone gets around real nice till mid game, where the haunt begins and your what used to be your best friend is your worst enemy. Curses!

With Widow’s Walk, there are more room tiles for you to explore, more omen cards and a brand new Traitor’s Tome and Secrets of Survival. This would add a whooping 50 more new haunts for you and your frenemies.

Enter if you dare. Exit if you can. Coming this fall!

Cash & Guns: Team Spirit

Cash and Guns Team Spirit Banner

Fans of Cash & Guns listen up! You won’t believe this! You’re no longer looting and shooting on your own with Cash ’N Guns: Team Spirit.

This expansion features rules for team play and enables a ninth player to take part in the action. It also introduces a deck of duplicitous Mercenaries: twelve for-hire thugs who can give your team a temporary advantage and who bring a deeper strategic dimension to the team game.

Seven new characters take seats at the table, including Boris, Natasha, martini-wielding Maria, and Mama, the most awe-inspiring of all. They bring new Surprises and Powers along with them, as well as a silencer that fits on your favorite weapon and three never-before-fired guns.

Get your guns ready. Coming this fall!


Krosmaster Quest 


Krosmaster Quest - Banner


To simply summarize, Kromaster Quest is Krosmaster Arena meet Arcadia Quest. Hmmm.. Is that how the name came about?

Unlike the head-to-head battles of Krosmaster: Arena, Krosmaster: Quest can be played “cooperatively” (with one player as the “demon” and the rest of the players working together), or as a competition as players look for treasures on tiled boards.

The box includes seven new Krosmaster figures with character cards (two exclusive), more than 600 token pieces, 16 terrain parts (which can be used in Arena), more than 40 settings, and 6 special dice.

And best news is.. It’s coming into store next week! Preorder now to avoid disappoinment!


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