Wishing all a Selemat Hari Raya Haji

Wishing a Selemat Hari Raya Haji to all my Muslim friends out there and to the rest, enjoy the long weekend πŸ™‚

There will be no board game reviews this week as it’s a rather short week and we feel that you prefer to be bombarded with new stocks and exciting pre-orders, such as Dead of Winter: Warring Colonies, where now 2 existing colonies can duel each other and scavenge as much resources as they can.

Then there’s Flick Em Up: Dead of Winter, which puts a twist on the Dead of Winter that we know and adding the dexterity aspect into the game.

And last but not least, we have the beloved cycling simulator, Flamme Rogue. I guarantee you will have an adrenaline rush playing this as the excitement of pushing your cyclists closer to the finish line is tense here.

New and Restocks 31 August 2017