Over the past few years, we have seen a sudden boom in board games, with almost every genre popping out from nowhere. With board game themes like Trains, ancient Greek Gods, Civilization Building to all time favorites like Fantasy, Science Fiction and Horror Survival Games, there is definitely a game for everyone.
This is unlike the past, where we could only get be a space pirate, a alien fighting badass or an incompetent gangster that constantly sabotages your team, something that video games cannot offer us to experience. The emergence of these board games could not have come at a better time, as Singaporeans are slowly moving away from being glued to their smartphones to doing activities with their friends and family.
Funny thing is, we can testify to this trend. Among our close friends, we were geeks who drool at the sight of highly detailed miniatures and all of a sudden, everyone were asking us what the best board games were and how they could get into board gaming as well. So as we recommended various titles to suit our friends preferences, we soon found out that the most common complaint (Singaporeans favorite hobby) was that the prices were too steep.
It struck us only then like how an apple struck Issac Newton on his head. We were really deep into board gaming and that is probably why we did not complain much about the prices. But for someone new to this culture to invest close to $200 at a go, that is quite crazy honestly. Hence, Team Board Game was born.
With a team of 4 board gaming enthusiasts, with yours truly included, we aim to introduce a board gaming culture that is accessible to everyone. We strive to keep our board games cheap too by consistently monitoring the price market and begging our suppliers to give us further discounts.
All in all, we hope you enjoy this magical ride with us too. New to board gaming, check out these board games to help you get started: http://www.teamboardgame.com/product-category/starter/. For veterans, leave a comment to us and tell us how we can improve or if you have any lobang.
So many games | Cheap board games | Singapore| Culture
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Community Manager, TBG