Team Board Game proudly held our 1st ever Ashes Tournament in Singapore, with decks of all characters clashing together to great effects. However, at the end of the tournament, the deck of Aradel Summergaard stood strong with her many conjurations and unit control spells.
Along the way, we have also seen variations of decks, such as Saria Guideman’s deck manipulation deck, Rin Northfell’s icy bear deck and even Maeoni Viper’s boosting silver snake deck.
All in all, we hoped everyone had fun in the event and we will be organizing our next tournament in late August. We will also resume our Ashes demo events, starting end July, so new players would be able to pick up this delightful game and join in the mayhem!
Till next time, here are some photos for you to enjoy!

Jessa Na Ni vs Maeoni Viper

Aradel Summergaard vs Maeoni Viper

Boosted Silver Snake

Aradel Summergaard vs Saria Guideman

Champion of Ashes Tournament

Runner Up for Ashes Tournament

See you next month!