We are just done with cushing up the place! Ok, cushing is not a real word, but the additional furniture and decoration recently has really made the place much more cushy. Beautiful cushions, inspirational posters on the wall, additional tables for board gamers, we are really starting to love our own secret hideout.
Our place may not be the biggest, may not be the most fanciful but we firmly believe in providing a place that is affordable for all ages and a place where you can learn to play and try out all genres of games.

Having a Good Time
In addition, our book a table service has been revamped so it’s now much easier for you to place a booking for a table to enjoy with your friends. We will be adding at least 2 additional games to our library of board games each month, so you and your friends will always have something new to look forward to.
Last but not least, our 1 year anniversary is reaching. Yes, we are going to be 1 year old soon 🙂 To thank everyone for the support so far, we will be having not only a massive sales, but also a revamped customer loyalty program which we are confident that you will enjoy using much more. Till then, have a great board gaming week ahead.